Azarya Rutledge and Jonah Fishman
Associated Hebrew Schools
6th grade
The major elements that we chose to use the kotel as the background and on each brick to do something that represents Israel and Judaism. Independence Day, a Torah, the Knesset, the Dome of the Rock, soldier, Flag of Israel, the Iron Dome, how "young" Israel is, and hamsas with an eye showing our protection. Our poster is a response to the values Israel represents today. We took specifc aspects of what brought Israel to where it is today. We included things that protect the State, like soldiers and the Iron Dome. We also included things of importance to Judaism like the Torah, Hamsas and the Dome of the Rock. The center focused on the number 76 as we celebrate how amazing the country is after so few years. We are conveying in the poster the important aspects of Israel and being a Jew that most Jews associate with. It also reflects the beauty of the country with the palm trees and clouds. In addition we are showing that the kotel is the building pieces of who we are. This drawing of Stefan Razvan impacted our creation as it was also showing various aspects of Israel. It showed the important aspects of Israel to him.