Daniel Berger and Spencer Sokoloff
Donna Klein Jewish Academy
8th grade
When we were brainstorming, we thought of making a poster where it splits in the middle between Israel and the IDF. On the right side are weapons of war used by the IDF. On the left side, there are colorful buildings representing festivities. In the middle, there is a flag cut in half. The Flag of Israel is on the left side, and the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) logo is on the right. Israel plays an important role in our lives as diaspora Jews. We pray for the safety and security of our homeland and those protecting it. The split in the middle of the page symbolizes how the people of Israel have two separate identities, one with their family and one fighting for their homeland, Israel. We were inspired by the Independence Day Parade poster from 1950 demonstrating that women also fight in the IDF.