Elimelech Kot
Estonian Jewish Education Center
1st grade
That is how I image the celebration of the 76th Anniversary of Israel. The elements are: a house in Israel, a parade car and a road sign with the flag of Israel on it. All the country is celebrating it, all the people and thought all the things. Israel is the Homeland for me and my family, so I drawn homeplace, and a bif family car and a road sign to grive and live with some rules for evrybody to live together in peace and harmony. What values does Israel represent today? UNITY - all the country and all Jewish people all over the World are celebrating the 76th Anniversary of Israel. FEELING OF HOME - my wish that each human is feeling it, and it helps to feel care for this Home and for other people in it. all the people and thought all the things. FREEDOM MEANS SOME RULES - to live in peace and comfortable life for each citizen we need some order to respect and see others. To celebrate the 76th Anniversary we also need to organize this celebration, so it means to make some frames. We are celebrating the 76th Anniversary of the State of Israel together all over the Worlds, and also in Estonia. It is important because we all need home, comfort peaceful life with all possibilities and rules respecting others. So we celebrate the Anniversary of the State which cares about all this values and each human. Thank you for this competition which really inspires both teachers and students to learn more about Israel and to find more Israel inside us. Thank you for the Poster Gallery - https://education-en.nli.org.il/posters-gallery. Our art teacher Aleksandra Norkevich have printed several works from it to children to inspire and to express their thoughts.