Ella Cohen
Immanuel College
3rd grade
My poster is a tree for Tu B'shvat. It is very dark because even though we are celebrating we are so sad about the war in Israel and 7th October. I added Magen David stars all around because it means Israel is strong. My poster is about a Jewish holiday that we celebrate all around the world and brings us together as one people. It also shows how sad every jew around the world is about what is happening in Israel. We are all sad and hurting even if we do not live in Israel because we are all Jews and have one giant heart. We feel each others happiness and sadness. I was inspired by: Poster of Tu B'shvat Stamps, 1975. This made me think about how there are flowers that grow in the dark and in the dessert. My tree is covered in darkness and we are so sad but it will still grow and it will look beautiful again.