Eva Shlick
Estonian Jewish Education Center
3rd grade
On my poster I have drawn my legs in the Yam Hamelach which I thinks heals everything. I love to go to Israel with my parents to all our relatives and of course to visit the Yam Hamelach. The fact that there is the State of Israel who is celebrating the 76th Anniversary gives the opportunity for this our family trips and reunions. How does Israel shape my Jewish story? When I hear the name of the state of Israel, in this moment I remember our journeys with my family to Israel and to the Yam Hamelach. Usually from the sports I have several scratches, and I know they will be cured by the sea water. It is so interesting that I have learnt about the story of the Yam Hamelach from the Torah lessons, and thought the Jewish Nation has Torah for many-many years, i can come to Israel and touch this historical and curing place. For me the Land of Israel - it is the curative Yam Hamelach! And the legs of the Jewish Nation are moving all over the Globe, but our Heads are in Israel, and when we are coming Home, we are curing. Thank you for this competition which really inspires both teachers and students to learn more about Israel and to find more Israel inside us. Thank you for the Poster Gallery - https://education-en.nli.org.il/posters-gallery. Our art teacher Aleksandra Norkevich have printed several works from it to children to inspire and to express their thoughts.