Mussia Grinfeld
Estonian Jewish Education Center
3rd grade
I decided to make my poster in a shape of the prayer book-Sidur on the pages 76 to 77. As long as the Land of Israel is a Sacred Land in a straight connection with Hashem, the life and existance on this Land is deeply connected with the Prayer. On this Sidur pages every reader can see the place for his and her thoughts, wishes and gratitude. On the other page-Tsdaka box, Israel map, Torah, the flag of Israel. I made it not on an exactly square page, because its more about life. What values does Israel represent today? The Land of Israel and its story always remind us that Israel is always watched and supported by Hashem and the prayers of all its citizens ang Jews all over the World. It is the value of connection to the main Source. It is the value of trusting in Hashem in all both material and spiritual aspects. It is the value of unity because while praying all over the world, we are standing face to Israel. When the Jews all over the World are praying by the Sudur, we are all with a face to our Israel. Everywhere we are, we can support Israeli people and state both in material way by tsdaka and spiritual by learning Torah and living the Torah way. These days together we are flipping through the 75th page to 76th Anniversary and in strength to the next good page of the Israel life. Thank you for this competition which really inspires both teachers and students to learn more about Israel and to find more Israel inside us. Thank you for the Poster Gallery - Our art teacher Aleksandra Norkevich have printed several works from it to children to inspire and to express their thoughts.