Rachael Elisha, Savannah Ferraro, Jonah Klein
Donna Klein Jewish Academy
8th grade

In Judaics class, we were tasked with formulating a poster for Israel's 76 birthday. For our poster, we drew two hands in consolidation, representing the Jews in Israel and in the diaspora. Our project exemplifies the unity between both. In the back, we have written the Shema because it is our favorite prayer, and it unifies all of us under the umbrella of Judaism. The hands signify how Jews across the world come together to find antisemitism and hate. With this art piece, we are expressing our hope for peace and unity. Our project exemplifies the unity between both Israel and the United States. In the back, we have written the Shema because it is our favorite prayer, and it unifies all of us under the umbrella of Judaism. Our project exemplifies the unity between both. In the back, we have written the Shema because it is our favorite prayer, and it unifies all of us under the umbrella of Judaism. We were inspired by the current events in both the United States and Israel, watching Israel fight for its freedom and in America, Jews fighting to be free from antisemitism.