Shifra Kohn
Beth Jacob Grammar School
9th grade
I chose to incorporate in my poster a computer created photo of an IDF Female soldier hugging a young orthodox girl. I wrote 'Am Yisrael Chai' and 'Beyachad Nenatzayach' because these means 'the nation of Israel will live' and 'together we will win'. I chose the colour yellow for the background because it is the colour of thinking of hostages. I also placed a dove in the background because it resembles peace. Israel plays a crucial part in the Jewish world as it is our home. All Jews from around the world come to Israel to go visit the remaining wall of the temple which God is closest to and therefore we go and pray there. Israel is a place where we can practise the Jewish religion freely in our home town. The modern state of Israel is an intrinsic part of our daily life. Its is out safety net, it is out heartbeat, its our map, it is home. The messages that I am conveying in the poster are peace and love. The reason I chose to do an orthordox girl hugging an IDF soldier is no matter the differences, we are still one nation that loves and thinks of each other. The reason I chose a yellow backround is to remember our brothers and sisters in captivity. I included a dove because it resembles peace and we pray for peace in the land of Israel. The poster that inspired me is the 12th Yom Ha'atzmaut poster 1960. It inspired me because it shows two people dancing together and marking the day that Israel became a state. It has a yellow backround to show the Holocaust and i used a yellow backround in mine to resemble the hostages.