Simona, Mussia, Rina and Sheina
Estonian Jewish Education Center
3rd grade
On this posters we have put several elements: - the portrait of David Ben Gurion as the great Israel Leader and the big mezuza like it looks at the Airport in Israel as a symbol - Torah Scroll is what uniting all the Jewish Nation - Sidur as one of the way to connect to Hashem and to the Jewish tradition - The flag of Israel -The map of Israel - Tzizit as the commandment which refers to all 613 commandments given to our Nation - 76 years of Anniversary of the Israel State - the portrait of Simona's parents during their family trip to Israel. How does Israel shape my Jewish story? Eretz Israel is the land and the state we love to live in and love to visit with our families. When we learn and perform all the commandment we know and love, we understand that we have these commandments because of the Land of Israel, and we have the Land of Israel because of these commandments. And though now we live in other countries, we love to learn about the story of Israel. And this learning process helps us to learn more about ourself. Eretz Israel - is a land or the great story connecting the past, present and future, the Land of great people who are all leaders by the nature. It is the Land with which Am Israel is connected by Hashem and His will and commandments and it is the Land where we all feel like family even when we are all over the world. Thank you for this competition which really inspires both teachers and students to learn more about Israel and to find more Israel inside us. Thank you for the Poster Gallery - Our art teacher Aleksandra Norkevich have printed several works from it to children to inspire and to express their thoughts.