Tali Elkind
Estonian Jewish Education Center
4th grade
On this poster are pictured my favorite festive food of the all year around Jewish Calendar Holidays. Together with the good strong fork down on the poster you can taste the beauty of Rosh-ha-Shana (gefilte fish with carrot), Chanukah (sufganiya), Tu-biShvat (date, fig, olive), Purim (homentashen), Pesach (matzah and chiken leg as a korban), Lag-baOmer (meat steak), Shavuot (ice cream). And the positioning of the good pictures reminds of the way of the Jewish history - on the one hand as a spiral and on the other hand straight and forward looking. What values does Israel represent today? The connection between generations and the transfer of the Jewish values from elders to younger is the strength of our Nation. And nowadays we see another picture - my friends and I - often we remind our parents that we for sure need homentashen tomorrow, because "Its Purim, dear Mama!!!" So what great value Israel represents today is the live dialogue of the youth and adults, of course, during the special tasty meals!!!))) Dear friends all over the world, welcome to taste the Jewish Year Calendar thought the special food of the each High Holiday! And you are right-maybe the tastes could be different in the Jewish communities all over the world, so beezrat Hashem let's finally meet in Israel to taste the original ones!!! Thank you for this competition which really inspires both teachers and students to learn more about Israel and to find more Israel inside us. Thank you for the Poster Gallery - https://education-en.nli.org.il/posters-gallery. Our art teacher Aleksandra Norkevich have printed several works from it to children to inspire and to express their thoughts.