Talya Minsker
Associated Hebrew Day Schools
6th grade
In my poster I included a gold Jude star to represent the holocaust and how the Jews are still alive. Also added the I.D.F logo to represent the Israeli army. I have 3 candles to represent the lighting Shabbat candles and an Israeli flag as a symbol of Israel. There is a big 76 in the middle to represent it’s 76 birthday. Israel shaped my Jewish story because over the past few year Israel and the Jews have been targeted. It also shapes my Jewish identity because I know that I always have a place to go. I know that I can also trust the I.D.F to protect the land of Israel. Israel shapes a Jews identity because all of our history starts there. In my poster I am trying to show that no matter how many times we are targeted we will never disappear. The Jude star is representing that we were able to persevere through the holocaust and still survive. The logo of the I.D.F is showing how we managed to stay alive The source i used for my poster is www.gov.il. That website impacted my poster because it got me thinking about the holocaust and all the wars Israel had been through.