Urbain Jeanne
Athénée Ganenou
5th grade
My poster is a puzzle with the Magen of David in the center, surrounded by blue bands representing the Israeli flag. A piece of the puzzle is being placed, which symbolizes construction and unity. Yes, my poster answers the question “How does Israel shape my story?” The puzzle shows how each piece is important in completing the picture, just as each person or event is important in shaping the history of Israel and my personal history. Each element contributes to the whole, showing that we are all part of something bigger. The idea I expressed in my poster is that of construction and unity. By showing the puzzle with the Magen David, I wanted to represent how Israel is built and strengthened through the contribution of each person and each event. It also symbolizes the idea that the history of Israel and my personal history are interconnected and that each piece is essential to form a complete whole. Poster - El Al board game: this poster inspired me about the game and childhood. Which made me want to make a puzzle and make the link between the game and Israel.