In my work I chose a lot of photos that I think represent Israel and things that I love about it. I chose for example places that are
important to me and the birds and the fruits, vegetables, and flowers. I made a David star and inside of it I have put different Israeli birds. I put myself in the corner with a camera in my hands to showcase my passion for photography. I was born in Israel and lived in Israel until I was four and a half years old. My connection to Israel is my family, my memories and my vacations there. I feel that the Israeli part in me is strong and more dominant and that my life in Israel shaped me more as an Israeli than a Jew. I want to show my love to Israel and it beautiful landscape, nature, birds, and the places that are special for me. I chose to put the David Star in the middle to represent the Jewish world. Inside the David Star I chose to put pictures of birds to create a sense of freedom that I wish will come and I have put myself taking a picture of it all, to give a sense of my personal connection and express my feelings to Israel. I looked at the primary sources and different posters to get inspiration and that gave me the idea to use pictures of places and things I love in Israel and to use the Star of David.