
Interviewing a Community Leader

The goal of this activity is for students to have the opportunity to hear from and interact with a leader in their Jewish community

Ever wonder what community leaders do? Now you have the chance to find out!

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Interviewing a Community Leader

The goal of this activity is for students to have the opportunity to hear from and interact with a leader in their Jewish community

Roles and Leadership
Creative Activity
Middle and High School

Step 1

To introduce the activity, ask the students who they would consider a leader in their community and, from the ensuing list, who they would want to interview. Brainstorm with the students what they would ask the interviewee. For example: What role do they play? Why are they active in the community? What is important to them about community? What do they want the younger generation to know about the community? Use this sheet with a list of questions to help students plan what to ask.

Tip: Limit the number of questions and start with the most important ones, taking into consideration the amount of time the interviewee can devote to the interview

Step 2

Students coordinate with community leaders and interview them, or invite a few leaders from the Jewish community to your class and have the students interview them using the pre-prepared questions

Optional: If the interviewees agree, have the students video their interviews and then create a short movie of the highlights

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