Lesson Plan

Israeli Athlete Ester Roth-Shahamorov

In this unit we will learn about Israeli track and field athlete Esther Roth-Shahamorov, by taking a close look at a photograph of her retirement ceremony. Roth-Shahamorov inspired hundreds of young athletes and continues to be a role model to sportswomen who wish to combine a career with motherhood.

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Take a look at the photograph from Esther Roth-Shahamorov's Retirement Ceremony, 1983 and read the information about it.

Write a short summary based on the following questions:

  • Who was Esther Roth-Shahamorov?
  • List her career highlights.
  • What difficulties did she face during this time?
  • Why did the Israeli national athletic association hold this ceremony in her honor? Do you think that every athlete is honoured in this way?
  • What were Roth-Shahamorov's feelings about the ceremony? Why did she say that she only agreed to the ceremony "for the sake of the wider public"?
  • How do you think the Israeli public would have reacted to her retirement?
  • In the 1972 Munich Olympic, Roth-Shahamorov qualified for the 100 meter hurdles semi-finals, but she withdrew from the games together with other members of the Israeli Olympic team.
  • Why was this? What happened at the Munich Olympics?

Age group:

Group Activity

Take a look at the photograph from Esther Roth-Shahamorov's Retirement Ceremony, 1983 and read the information about it.

Write a short summary based on the following questions:

  • Who was Esther Roth-Shahamorov?
  • List her career highlights.
  • What difficulties did she face during this time?
  • Why did the Israeli national athletic association hold this ceremony in her honor? Do you think that every athlete is honoured in this way?
  • What were Roth-Shahamorov's feelings about the ceremony? Why did she say that she only agreed to the ceremony "for the sake of the wider public"?
  • How do you think the Israeli public would have reacted to her retirement?
  • In the 1972 Munich Olympic, Roth-Shahamorov qualified for the 100 meter hurdles semi-finals, but she withdrew from the games together with other members of the Israeli Olympic team.
  • Why was this? What happened at the Munich Olympics?

Discussion Questions

  • Have you ever attended a retirement or farewell party or event?
  • What were the feelings of the participants?
  • Choosing to be a professional athlete can be even more difficult for women. Why?
  • Are you an athlete? Are you interested in becoming professional? What challenges are you facing?

Creative Activity

Choose one of the following activities:

  • Write a letter to Roth-Shahamorov explaining how inspirational she is to you.
  • Choose a female athlete you know and admire. Write them a letter explaining why.
  • Write an article about an female athlete you value, describing her achievements.

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Israeli Athlete Ester Roth-Shahamorov

In this unit we will learn about Israeli track and field athlete Esther Roth-Shahamorov, by taking a close look at a photograph of her retirement ceremony. Roth-Shahamorov inspired hundreds of young athletes and continues to be a role model to sportswomen who wish to combine a career with motherhood.

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