Printable Activity

Scrolling Through History

The goal of this activity is to learn about four unique Torah scrolls from around the world by watching short videos that uncover their stories

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Scrolling Through History

The goal of this activity is to learn about four unique Torah scrolls from around the world by watching short videos that uncover their stories

Living texts
Creative Activity
15 min

Step 1

Watch 4 short videos about special Torah scrolls. Using the prompts on the worksheet, students write down one note per video

Step 2

Have the students share with a partner the things they found interesting or surprising in the videos they have watched. They can also mention one thing they would like to learn more about

Step 3

Take the students to see a Torah scroll in your school/synagogue. Open it so they can see the inside. Ask them which of the 4 Torah scrolls it reminds them of

Optional: Read this article about Jeff Hoffman, a Jewish astronaut who took a Torah scroll to space, and discuss his story: Astronaut Jeff Hoffman's Space Diary Deposited With National Library Of Israel

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