The Puzzle of Jewish Community

Telling Time

The goal of this activity is for students to research their community by creating a timeline of events and milestones that tell the story of the community, and of the people who contributed to it over the years

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Age group:
Middle and High School
45 min
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Telling Time

The goal of this activity is for students to research their community by creating a timeline of events and milestones that tell the story of the community, and of the people who contributed to it over the years

The Puzzle of Jewish Community
Creative Activity
Middle and High School
45 min

Step 1

Create a list in chronological order of 5-10 milestones that tell the story of your community (for example: when it was founded, major community events, public figures who visited the community, and historical events that affected its members)

Tip: Try choosing events that signify different stages in the development of the community, and not just from one period. In addition, consider which people were instrumental in building the community and what events can be linked to them

Step 2

Students find a primary source for each event (e.g. portraits, pictures of institutions, maps, newspaper articles, photographs, posters), and design their timelines with art materials or on an online platform such as Canva

Optional: You can create one big timeline to hang in the class, and have all of the students work on it together

Step 3

Think of a title that best describes the timeline you created