Lesson Plan

Who is this Israeli? 1971 Israeli Cartoon

Cartoons are an interesting source to get insight into politics and culture. We will look at a 1971 Israeli cartoon as a commentary about the participation of foreign athletes in Israeli sports.

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Have students stand in a line rating from “agree” to “disagree” about the following statement: “Israel should cap the number of foreign players on their national basketball team.” Ask students to give reasons for their position.

Age group:

Group Activity

Have students stand in a line rating from “agree” to “disagree” about the following statement: “Israel should cap the number of foreign players on their national basketball team.” Ask students to give reasons for their position.

Discussion Questions

  • Why did the illustrator depict the foreign player as black? 
  • What do you think is the message of this cartoon? 
  • Do you think national sports teams should have foreign players? 
  • What is the impact of having foreign players on the team?
  • Why might African American players be drawn to play basketball in Israel? 
  • Why might some Israelis be against having foreign players?

Group Activity

Pretend you are a veteran Israeli basketball fan. Write a monologue from their perspective about why there should be a cap on foreign players.

Watch this video about Aulcie Perry. Create your own cartoon about what he describes as Macabbi’s “fighting spirit.” 

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Who is this Israeli? 1971 Israeli Cartoon

Cartoons are an interesting source to get insight into politics and culture. We will look at a 1971 Israeli cartoon as a commentary about the participation of foreign athletes in Israeli sports.

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