Group Activity
- What is Yom Hazikaron?
- What date is Yom Hazikaron in the Hebrew calendar?
- Why do you think that this day is one day before Yom Ha'atzmaut?
- Why do you think this particular quote by Ibn Ezra was chosen for this poster?
- What is the message of the poster? How does it relate to the day?
Besides the ritual seen here, what other rituals exist on Yom Hazikaron?
- Who produced this poster?
- Why do you think the poster includes images in both sepia and black and white?
- How does the clip make you feel?
- Have you ever been in Israel on Yom Hazikaron? If so, how did you feel when you heard the siren?
Discussion Questions
- What is written on the poster?
- What is pictured on the poster?
- Who are the people?
- Where are they?
- What are they doing?
- Does your community commemorate Yom Hazikaron? If so, in what way?
- Does your country have a Memorial Day?
- When is it, and what are the rituals of the day?
Creative Activity
Choose one of the people in the poster.
- Give them an imaginary background, job, and family status.
- Imagine you are a journalist for your local newspaper, and you have been chosen to interview Israelis about how they feel on Yom Hazikaron.
- Write the script of the interview.
Choose one of Israel's fallen and write their biography. Make sure to include pictures.