The Puzzle of Jewish Community

Mapping My Community

Think about important Jewish institutions and places in the community that reflect the community’s values and also provide services and resources for its members

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Age group:
30 min.
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Mapping My Community

Think about important Jewish institutions and places in the community that reflect the community’s values and also provide services and resources for its members

The Puzzle of Jewish Community
Creative Activity
30 min.

Step 1:

Present a printed or digital map of your community and ask students to describe what they see. Can they find their school or home?

Step 2: Discussion:

If someone was coming to visit your community and wanted to know about the Jewish community, what sites would you tell them about or send them to? (For example: synagogues, community centers, cemeteries, kosher food, Jewish schools, Jewish organizations, etc.)

Step 3:

Have the students mark these places on the map while discussing what symbols should be used to mark each place. Ask the students for one thing that surprised them on the map or if there is something they would add or take away.