Jewish Celebrations

Sukkah I Spy

The goal of this activity is for students to learn about what a sukkah looked like in a specific community and think of similarities and differences with sukkot they see today

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Age group:
Elementary and Middle School
30 min
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Sukkah I Spy

The goal of this activity is for students to learn about what a sukkah looked like in a specific community and think of similarities and differences with sukkot they see today

Jewish Celebrations
Elementary and Middle School
30 min

Step 1

Hand out the worksheet that includes the primary source (a drawing by Moritz Daniel Oppenheim from Germany in 1867) and instructions that explain what to look for in the picture

Step 2

Review what everyone found and ask the students what questions they have about the picture. Then discuss the following:

  • What would you want to ask the people in the picture?
  • How are the sukkot in your community different? What would a picture of your sukkah look like?
  • In the drawing, the artist has frozen a moment in time. Imagine what was going on either before or after this particular moment