The Puzzle of Jewish Community

Building Jewish Community

The goal of this activity is to reflect on the different facets of a Jewish community. Through a values clarification activity, students will design their own model community by choosing which infrastructures, organizations, and people are key to a successful Jewish community.

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Age group:
Middle and High School
45 min
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Building Jewish Community

The goal of this activity is to reflect on the different facets of a Jewish community. Through a values clarification activity, students will design their own model community by choosing which infrastructures, organizations, and people are key to a successful Jewish community.

The Puzzle of Jewish Community
Creative Activity
Middle and High School
45 min

Step 1

In groups of 5, students will create a model Jewish community. Using the worksheet they will consider which  faces (roles) and facets (institutions) are the critical building blocks of their community.

Step 2

They will then create posters showcasing their community to others. The posters will then be presented in class, and other students can use sticky notes to comment or ask questions.

Step 3

In a class discussion ask the students to share one thing they noticed when looking at the posters, perhaps things they have in common or differences that stand out.