First Woman to Sign Israel’s Declaration of Independence
Rachel Cohen-Kagan was one of the most prominent activists for the advancement of women's rights in the young State of Israel. Her efforts led to her being among the signatories of the Declaration of Independence
Teachers Talk About NLI Primary Sources - Netanel Burstin - Photo of the celebration of the establishment of the State of Israel, Arch of Titus, Rome, 1948.
Teaching Kit
Naomi Shemer Time Capsule
Learn about Naomi Shemer’s life, get to know some of her iconic songs and reflect on the texts
Why We Eat 'Simanim' During Rosh HaShanah
Why do we eat such weird foods on Rosh HaShanah? Watch this video to find out! Video courtesy of Kan - the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation.
First Woman to Sign Israel’s Declaration of Independence
Rachel Cohen-Kagan was one of the most prominent activists for the advancement of women's rights in the young State of Israel. Her efforts led to her being among the signatories of the Declaration of Independence