Tali Reizelman, Tomas Karrenbaum, Liz Schmoisman, Facundo Suaya
Beth School
5th grade

We put pictures of Israel, letters and a 75 made with Magen David. We put a phrase that speaks of the fact that we dream of the state, and today we have it.The poster refers to the values that Israel represents today, which we are all part of. There is the Kotel and many Jews live and lived there. It is the Land that God promised us.We wanted to communicate that when you dream of something, as in this case with the Jewish State, it comes true.We use the colors of the flag and the shield like poster number 1 and poster number 48, where the Menorah and Magen David are represented. We chose to represent number 75 inspired by poster number 32, but with the colors of our flag , we also wanted to represent fireworks as in poster number 8