Noach Beery
Heinz Galinski School
5th grade

The poster says "The Taste of Israel" and shows Beasley as the Israeli flag and Beasley flying in the sky as fireworks. It combines what we learned about posters for the independence celebrations for the State of Israel with the topic of food that was studied. Fireworks are a show held everywhere during the Independence Day celebrations. The text is reduced similar to the posters we studied and the image conveys the main message so that even those who do not know Hebrew can associate the snack with Israel. The choice of the Osem company was made with the thought that its products reflect an Israeli taste that has no equal in the world. Snacks that have a special taste that reminds me of Israel. After tasting the snacks I chose Bisley because it tastes better to me than Bamba. The message is to show Bisley as an Israeli snack. That's why the choice of the shape of the flag and the colors blue and white. And the fireworks that are special for the independence celebrations in Israel, the posters that brought me the idea were the ones made for the Independence Day celebrations and posters of food vendors. The attempt is to keep the design that says a lot in a short and simple way