The National Library of Israel for Educators

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The National Library of Israel for Educators

Explore teaching materials and tools to bring Jewish culture, history, and Israel into your classroom. NLI resources span a variety of subjects and age groups designed to enrich learning experiences and foster meaningful connections with Jewish identity. Dive into our lesson plans, creative activities, and games tailored to support your educational journey.

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The National Library of Israel for Educators

Tu Bishvat Teaching Resources

Explore educational resources that will help you bring Tu Bishvat to life in your classroom. Among the lesson plans and activities, you will discover rare historical documents such as a certificate for trees planted in Israel by British Jews in honor of King George V's reign, posters about preserving nature and taking care of trees, and pictures of tree-planting in Israel. 

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The Well. Global Educators Seminar

Dates: JULY 27-31, 2025
Location: The National Library of Israel

The National Library of Israel invites you to join The Well, a 5-day immersive seminar in Israel for Jewish educators from outside of Israel who work in the fields of Jewish History, Jewish Studies, and Israel Studies.

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Educators Community

Benjy Rickman
Head of Kodesh
King David High School Manchester, UK

NLI resources represent a revolution in Jewish and Israel education! The past comes alive with primary sources that students can interact with meaingfully , bringing the past into the present.

Benjamin de Jong
Benjamin de Jong
Jewish Studies Educator
JCoSS, London, UK

The NLI’s resources are second to none. The breadth and depth of the materials available on an ever-growing platform cater for the needs of educators worldwide.

Mariel Seta
Israel Studies Educator
Heschel Day School, Los Angeles, USA

Last summer I participated in the NLI’s educator seminar which was indeed a gift! The connections I formed with fellow educators and the professionalism I experienced reaffirmed my belief in the unity of our people

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