Rosh Hashanah
Did you know?
Gandhi, one of the most influential figures of the 20th century and the father of modern India, wrote a short but powerful Rosh Hashanah greeting to A.E. Shohet, the head of the Bombay Zionist Association.
Source Sheet
Sending Shana Tova Greetings
What can Shana Tova cards tell you about different Jewish communities and time periods? What greetings would you write on a card?
Source Sheet
Rosh Hashanah's Theme Music
A central mitzvah (commandment) of Rosh Hashanah is the blowing of the shofar whose sounds are intended to induce teshuvah (repentance). Read the TANACH texts about shofar blowing, explore the primary sources, and discuss what you feel when you hear the shofar.
Source Sheet
Tashlich – Casting Away One’s Sins
Is tashlich an opportunity to be introspective and repent, or just an easy way to clear your concious? Learn more about the debate!
Source Sheet
Simanim: A Tasty New Year
How does eating symbolic foods enhance our Rosh Hashanah experience? Explore a range of Jewish texts and primary sources.
Lesson Plan
Create your own Shana Tova card!
Design your own Shana Tova card inspired by illustrations and texts from historical cards!
Why We Eat 'Simanim' During Rosh HaShanah
Why do we eat such weird foods on Rosh HaShanah? Watch this video to find out! Video courtesy of Kan - the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation.
Riddles of the New Year
Can you solve the riddles? Take a look at primary sources that connect to the festivals of Tishrei and guess which riddle they match!
Rosh Hashanah Worksheet - Exploring Primary Sources
Preparing for the High Holidays
Discover how to use primary sources to enrich your teaching and prepare your learners for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
Herzl and Sultan new years card
What are the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and the leader of the Zionist movement doing on a Rosh Hashanah card in 1901?
Alfred Dreyfus New Year postcard, 1901
Find out what social and ideological messages were conveyed in Rosh Hashanah cards!
Source Sheet
Sending Shana Tova Greetings
What can Shana Tova cards tell you about different Jewish communities and time periods? What greetings would you write on a card?
Source Sheet
Rosh Hashanah's Theme Music
A central mitzvah (commandment) of Rosh Hashanah is the blowing of the shofar whose sounds are intended to induce teshuvah (repentance). Read the TANACH texts about shofar blowing, explore the primary sources, and discuss what you feel when you hear the shofar.
Source Sheet
Tashlich – Casting Away One’s Sins
Is tashlich an opportunity to be introspective and repent, or just an easy way to clear your concious? Learn more about the debate!
Source Sheet
Simanim: A Tasty New Year
How does eating symbolic foods enhance our Rosh Hashanah experience? Explore a range of Jewish texts and primary sources.
Lesson Plan
Create your own Shana Tova card!
Design your own Shana Tova card inspired by illustrations and texts from historical cards!
Why We Eat 'Simanim' During Rosh HaShanah
Why do we eat such weird foods on Rosh HaShanah? Watch this video to find out! Video courtesy of Kan - the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation.